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You'll need the Flash 6 player in order to play the Digit game. If you don't have it, you can download it by clicking here.

Dig It! is a fun and dynamic educational program designed for students ages 8 to 14 visiting the Bank of Canada's Currency Museum of the Bank of Canada. Bring your students to join one of our digs.

We’ll divide them into six teams and assign each to a continent. In large boxes representing continents, they’ll uncover artifacts that have served as money at some time in history. As teams, they’ll study the objects and answer questions with the help of notes in an explorer’s fieldwork notebook, the Museum’s displays, and their own imaginations.

The teams then come together to share their finds. The expedition leader, one of the Museum’s interpreters, facilitates the group discussion and explains the objects in their historical context.

Spending an hour on our dig will give your students a better understanding of the evolution of money, new ideas on the nature of money, and an enjoyable learning experience.

We’ve designed the program to enable the students to:

• practise the skills and strategies required for effective inquiry in subjects such as Social Studies, History, and Geography

• relate what they’ve learned in Social Studies, History, and Geography to the world around them and gain a better understanding of the differences and similarities among societies

For Teachers

Here's a short activity you can do with your students to prepare for the Dig It! educational program.

Bank of Canada.