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Refurbishment and Life Extension Projects
CANDU Projects

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Refurbishment and Life Extension Projects

ProjectsExisting CANDU reactors can operate economically and reliably for up to 55 years. After about 25 years of operation, reactor core component replacement gives another 25 to 30 years. The project that allows for the reactors continued operation is Refurbishment.

All utilities that operate CANDU reactors are actively planning on Refurbishment. The benefits are clear:

  • Ongoing operation is economically competitive relative to all other alternatives
  • Excellent public support for continued operation and especially high public support near the plant
  • Clear environmental benefits
  • Ongoing development of high technology and innovation in the region, and a positive socio-economic contribution, for an additional 25 to 30 years

AECL is uniquely able to undertake the refurbishment projects due to significant depth in:

  • People – a core team of hundreds of staff already working on Refurbishment Projects
  • Resources and technology – 15 years of R&D investment to improve the core retubing schedule, cost and technology successfully used in the 4 units at Pickering A in the 1980’s
  • Proven track record – we will apply the project management expertise and technology used to deliver the last 6 new CANDU reactors on time and on budget
  • Our ongoing improvement in design as the original design agency for CANDU units including those recently built and successfully operated

AECL is confident in its ability to deliver safety and on time and on budget. AECL uniquely offers a fixed/firm price, firm schedule contract and focuses on a long-term commitment to working in a partnership with the utility and the other stakeholders.

In 2005, two major projects were authorized – Point Lepreau Refurbishment project in New Brunswick, Canada and Bruce 1 and 2 Refurbishment project in Ontario, Canada. AECL is the General Contractor and Project Manager for Point Lepreau and is a major subcontractor for retubing for Bruce 1 and 2. In June 2006, AECL was awarded a significant contract for the retubing of the Wolsong 1 CANDU 6 nuclear reactor in South Korea.  An additional project - Bruce 3 - may be authorized this year, with two more anticipated in 2007/2008 - Gentilly-2 in Quebec, and Embalse in Argentina.

In future years, AECL anticipates that all operating CANDU units will be seriously considering Refurbishment and continued operation – an ongoing business that is key to the success of the CANDU program.
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Refurbishment Across Canada

Bruce Power / Point Lepreau


All the facts on Refurbishment