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Need information to help you with your homework assignments? Looking to learn more about money? Explore our fun FAQS and on-line interactive games.

The History of Money
Step back into the past with our interactive timeline. Learn about major developments in the history of money around the world and in Canada, along with the social, political, and economic events that helped shape our world.

Count Your Pennies: Shopping in Canada in the first half of the 20th century (Web Version)
Did you know that in some stores today, it is possible to make purchases without the help of a cashier? What did it used to be like? How far back can you remember?...

Dig It!: The Web Version
Calling all archeologists. Click on our interactive Web dig to get the dirt on some of the different types of money used by people around the world throughout history.

Money Matters on the Web
Have you ever asked yourself where money comes from? Who is responsible for making it? Can you tell a fake from the real thing? Click here to learn more about our paper money.

The New Euro
The New Euro, A display on the bank notes and coins, that came into circulation in the euro zone on January 1, 2002.

The Colour Of Your Money
Did you know that the Bank of Canada's newest bank note series features themes celebrating Canada's culture, history, and achievements?

Canada's Coins
The stories behind the symbols on our coinage.

Fun FAQs
Explore our fun Frequently Asked Questions.

Canada Savings Bonds (external site)
Explore 60 years of creating opportunities.

Bank of Canada.