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Grants for Specialized Music Distribution


15 May 2006

Program Description

This program supports the distribution of “specialized music” by Canadian-owned and controlled distribution companies. The purpose of this program is to allow recipients to effectively distribute and promote Canadian specialized music recordings that, despite their cultural significance, have limited access to markets and consumers.

Financial assistance will be provided to Canadian distribution companies whose primary activity is the distribution of Canadian specialized music, both in Canada and abroad.

Program Funding

Funds for this program are provided by the Department of Canadian Heritage (PCH) through the Canadian Musical Diversity Program of the Canada Music Fund. The Canada Council for the Arts administers the Canadian Musical Diversity Program on behalf of PCH and delivers these funds to the public as Grants for Specialized Music Sound Recording and Grants for Specialized Music Distribution. The Canada Music Fund also includes programs that are administered by other agencies as well as non-profit private sector organizations, including Telefilm Canada, FACTOR and MusicAction.

Specialized Music

For the purposes of this Canada Council for the Arts program, “specialized music” is defined as any musical production whose intent and/or content places creativity, self-expression and/or experimentation above the current demands and format expectations of the mainstream recording industry. This music is usually identified with the parallel market and alternative distribution systems.

Specialized music, by its intent and/or in content, is not primarily shaped by the desire for wide market appeal. This music has a significance that extends beyond its role as a form of entertainment and/or its social role as a form of expression used by a particular cultural group. 

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Eligible Applicants

Eligible record distribution companies are those that are incorporated or registered, are Canadian-owned and controlled (at least 51 percent), and are operating in Canada.

In order for sole-proprietorship companies to be eligible, they must be owned and operated by Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada.

For companies with more than one shareholder, at least 51 percent of the value of assets held by the company must be owned or controlled by Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada, and the chairperson (or equivalent) and more than half of the directors (or equivalent) must be Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada.

For non-profit organizations, more than half of its members and directors must be Canadians or permanent residents of Canada.
Additionally, eligible applicants to this program must:

  • have been in business for at least two years immediately prior to the deadline date;
  • have distributed, in Canada, at least three Canadian specialized music titles in the 12 months prior to the deadline date;
  • currently distribute specialized music sound recordings for a minimum of six Canadian record labels;
  • abide by its contractual agreements with artists, composers, lyricists, recording companies and publishers, or pay sums owed to such parties related to music products that the distributor produces, distributes or promotes.

For this program, a person who is controlled in any manner by another person or entity that is not a Canadian – where this results in control in fact, whether directly through the ownership of securities or indirectly through a trust, an agreement, an arrangement or otherwise – is deemed not to be a Canadian.
All Canada Council for the Arts programs are accessible to Aboriginal artists or arts organizations and artists or arts organizations of diverse cultural or regional communities of Canada.

Eligible Titles

To be considered an eligible title under this program, the recording must be a specialized music sound recording project:

  • that was recorded by a Canadian artist;
  • that was produced by a Canadian-owned and controlled record company;
  • that contains at least 50 percent Canadian content;
  • with a master that is owned by a Canadian artist or Canadian-owned and controlled record company.

Canadian Content

As defined by the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission, to qualify as “Canadian content” a musical selection must generally fulfil at least two of the following conditions:

  • M (music) – the music is composed entirely by a Canadian;
  • L (lyrics) – the lyrics are written entirely by a Canadian;
  • A (artist) – the music is, or the lyrics are, performed principally by a Canadian;
  • P (production) – the musical selection consists of a live performance that is i) recorded wholly in Canada, or ii) performed wholly in Canada and broadcast live in Canada.

In the case of instrumentals, a track will be considered to be Canadian if it is an instrumental performance of a musical composition in which the music was composed by a Canadian or Canadians, or the musical work was composed as an instrumental by a Canadian or Canadians.

Eligible Projects

Eligible projects are those that strengthen the ability of Canadian distributors to effectively distribute, promote and sell recordings of the specialized music of Canadian artists. Projects may include those designed to increase:

a) the circulation of catalogues or products of Canadian
    distributors through effective distribution channels;

b) the promotion of those catalogues and projects; and

c) access to retail space for Canadian-content specialized music

Eligible Expenses

Projects must take place after the deadline date; expenses incurred before the deadline date are ineligible for consideration.

Financial assistance will be offered only for the portion of the project that is for specialized music recordings.

Eligible expenses are those associated with the distribution of Canadian specialized music recordings and may include the costs associated with:

  • the design, production and shipping of printed catalogues;
  • the design, production and shipping of CD compilations;
  • advertising and other promotional materials that promote the CD compilation, the catalogue and/or the Web site of the distributor;
  • the creation, maintenance and operation of Web sites, e-commerce systems and e-catalogues;
  • the rental of listening stations for placement in retail spaces.

A maximum of two CD compilation projects are eligible for consideration.

Applicants requesting funding for the enhancement of Web and e-commerce activities must clearly describe the status of their current Web and e-commerce activities, the issues/problems that the project would address and what the improvements would be.

In extraordinary cases, applicants may request funding for activities that are not listed above. In these cases, the applicant must describe convincingly the rationale for their project and how the project will assist them to improve, expand or solidify their distribution activities. These projects should have an impact on numerous titles carried by the distributor, representing a range of their artists. Reasonable costs may be considered if there is sufficient rationale for the project. Applicants must discuss a project of this nature with the Program Officer before applying.

Staff positions, capital expenses or purchase of equipment (such as computers, listening stations or other audio equipment) are not eligible expenses under this program.

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Grant Amount

The value of the grant awarded will not exceed 50 percent of the project’s total expenses. Total public support (federal, provincial, regional and municipal) may not exceed 75 percent of a project’s total expenses. As a result, the amount awarded by the Canada Council may be affected by the participation of other public funders.

Please note that the Canada Council for the Arts may choose to support a request in part or in its entirety.

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Assessment of Applications

All applications will be assessed by a peer assessment committee of representatives from the national specialized music community. Members of the peer assessment committee will be chosen to ensure fair representation of gender, regional and cultural diversity, Aboriginal peoples and both official languages.

Applications will be assessed on the merit of the proposed project as described in the application guidelines accompanying the form.

Applicants will be notified of the results of the competition, in writing, within three months of the competition closing date. Results are not released by telephone or by e-mail.

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Application Form

Grants for Specialized Music Distribution (pdf, 299 KB)
This form can only be printed and cannot be filled out on-line.

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Further Information

This program summary provides an outline of the Grants for Specialized Music Distribution program. For further details or to obtain an application form, contact Gerri Trimble, Music Section Officer.

Telephone: 1-800-263-5588 (toll-free) or (613) 566-4414, ext. 4103

TTY (TDD) machine, for hearing-impaired callers: (613) 565-5194

Fax: (613) 566-4409

Music Section
Canada Council for the Arts
350 Albert Street, P.O. Box 1047
Ottawa ON K1P 5V8

February 2005