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Residencies and Commissioning of Canadian Compositions

This program assists in the professional development of Canadian composers and Canadian conductors through residencies, and encourages the creation of new works by Canadian composers through commissions. The Residencies and Commissioning of Canadian Compositions program addresses the needs of both the classical contemporary/new music and non-classical music traditions. It fosters partnerships and collaborations among professional arts organizations, performers and Canadian creators, while offering Canadian and foreign audiences greater access to Canadian works.

All Canada Council for the Arts programs are accessible to Aboriginal artists or arts organizations and artists or arts organizations from diverse cultural and regional communities of Canada.

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RESIDENCIES (for Composers and Conductors)

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  • Professional, non-profit Canadian music-performing organizations (e.g. orchestras, opera companies, choirs, jazz ensembles and world music ensembles) are eligible to apply individually or collectively to support a composer-in-residence and/or a conductor-in-residence. Applicants must be music-performing organizations able to demonstrate a commitment to Canadian repertoire/creation.

  • In collaboration with such music-performing organizations, other performing arts organizations or non-arts organizations are also eligible. Applicants must demonstrate the benefit of the residency to the artist-in-residence and the community, and must provide matching resources. The music-performing organization must spearhead this application.

  • The artist-in-residence must be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident of Canada; he or she may not apply directly to this program.

  • An artist-in-residence cannot receive more than two maximum-term residencies in a 10-year period. (A maximum-term residency is defined as a two-year term with or without a third-year extension.) These two maximum-term residencies cannot be with the same organization.

  • The total duration of one maximum-term residency combined with limited-term residencies (longer than 12 weeks, but shorter than two years) cannot exceed 48 months over a 10-year period.

  • The total duration of multiple limited-term residencies cannot exceed 48 months over a 10-year period.

Contemporary music organizations may not apply for the services of a composer-in-residence, but are eligible to apply for a conductor-in-residence.

Organizations that receive funding for a composer-in-residence may not apply for a Commissioning of Canadian Compositions grant to commission works from the composer-in-residence.

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Grant Amount

Matching funds of up to $20,000 per year are available for residencies of 12 weeks to two years, to be applied towards the costs of the artist-in-residence. It is expected that all or at least a large portion of the total sum available for the residency (Canada Council and host contributions) will be disbursed to cover the artist-in-residence fee. Other expenses such as travel and coaching by "mentors" outside the host organization may also be considered. Present a clear budget in your application and be prepared to justify expenses for the peer assessment committee. (For shorter residencies, please refer to SOCAN's program of residencies. Information can be obtained by dialing 1-800-55 SOCAN or (416) 445-8700.)

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How to Apply

Applicants must complete the Composer/Conductor Residencies application form, which can be obtained by contacting the Music Section. Applicants must submit a brief written outline of the proposed project (no more than four pages), detailing how the residency will enhance the professional development of the composer/conductor. This outline should address:

  • how the composer/conductor will serve the applicant organization as a composer/conductor, consultant to the music director and spokesperson to the public;

  • the level of the composer's/conductor's access to the organization’s music director, the general manager and board of directors;

  • the amount of the composer's/conductor's time that will be devoted to working directly with the organization;

  • the amount of the composer's/conductor's time that will be devoted to working with the ensemble;

  • for composer-in-residence requests only, the amount of the composer's time that will be devoted to composing, and how many of the composer's pieces will be performed by the ensemble and in which series.

Support Material

In addition to the completed application form, all applicants must include the following:

  • a brief letter (no more than one page) from the organization’s music director addressing the proposed working relationship between the music director and the composer/conductor, and how having an artist-in-residence will impact on the organization's artistic plan;

  • a description of how the organization intends to present and publicize the residency project to the public;

  • a budget that indicates the organization's financial commitment to the project. If the total sum available for the residency is not paid in fees, please justify all other expenses;

  • a description of the process used to select the composer/conductor.

The Canada Council is not responsible for the loss or damage, however caused, of materials submitted in support of an application. Support material will be returned in one package to the contact address indicated by the applicant.

The Canada Council will send, by mail, an immediate acknowledgement that the application has been received.

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Assessment of Applications

Applications are reviewed by a peer assessment committee made up of experienced professionals selected for their expertise. Committee members are also selected to ensure fair representation of gender, Aboriginal peoples, regional and cultural diversity, various genres and both official languages. The committee assesses the applications based on the following criteria:

  • the current commitment of the organization to Canadian and contemporary music;

  • the abilities of the selected or proposed artist-in-residence as an artist, communicator and potential educator;

  • the merit of the project in terms of the artist's professional development;

  • the ability of the organization to carry out the project within the guidelines established for this program;

  • the organization's commitment to the project, as demonstrated by the allocation of its own financial and administrative resources.

The second year of residency may be approved by the Music Section, if the benefit to the artist-in-residence and the host are consistent with the peer assessment committee recommendations for the first year.

Proposals seeking support for a third consecutive year will be considered in an open competition with those from new applicants.

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The deadlines for applications are 15 January and 15 September. Organizations may apply for residencies of 12 weeks to two years.

Applications and all support material must be postmarked no later than the deadline date. If either date falls on a weekend or statutory holiday, the deadline moves to the next business day.

Late, incomplete or ineligible applications will not be accepted. The Canada Council for the Arts does not send or accept applications by fax or e-mail.

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Notification of Results

Applicants will be notified of the results of the competition, in writing, within four months of the competition closing date.

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Payment of Grant and Taxes

Grants are paid in two instalments and are payable to the commissioner only upon written request. Individuals applying as commissioners will receive T4A slips since the grant is taxable income.

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Application Form

Residencies (pdf, 128 KB)
This form can only be printed and cannot be filled out on-line.

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Further Information

To receive an application form or to request more information on the application process or feedback on a previous application for Residencies, contact André Jutras, Music Section Officer, toll-free at 1-800-263-5588, ext. 5071, or (613) 566-4414, ext. 5071.

Fax: (613) 566-4409

Hearing-impaired callers with a TTY machine can contact the Canada Council for the Arts at (613) 565-5194.

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Eligible Projects

  • A project qualifies as a commission when an artist, group of artists or a professional arts organization requests a composer to write a piece of music and commits to a premiere performance of the new composition or to the workshop/production development of the new opera/music theatre work. Consequently, applicants must indicate the proposed date and location of the new piece's premiere performance or of the opera/music theatre commission's production development/workshop. A copy of a contract between the commissioner and the composer is required.

  • Non-professional performing ensembles and arts organizations are ineligible except in extraordinary circumstances where the applicant can demonstrate that the project has significant national impact.

  • For commissions presented by non-performers or ensembles, the commissioner must provide a signed commitment from the performers (soloists, ensembles, etc.).

  • For this program, music theatre is defined as music compositions that involve important scenic components, including a predominant use of the singing voice in conjunction with other means of dramatic expression.

  • Commissions for functional music by dance companies, independent choreographers, theatre companies and multidisciplinary groups are also eligible. However, functional music projects are considered only when they propose an innovative use of music in a live performance in a public venue.

  • The Canada Council for the Arts looks for originality and creativity in the form of music written by the composers. This program does not support forms of music that can receive assistance from mainstream commercial sources.

  • The commissioner does not have to be Canadian and for opera/music theatre commissions, support to librettists/playwrights is available to Canadian writers only. However, the composer must be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident of Canada.

  • The commissioner may apply for no more than four applications in the same competition, with a maximum of eight applications per year. The commissioner can receive only one grant for the same composer during a 12-month period. Composers can have no more than three commissioning proposals submitted on their behalf to the same competition, and may not be awarded more than three commissions per year.

Non-Eligible Projects

  • Works already completed, film scores, sound recordings, arrangements, orchestrations and expansions of existing compositions and works with a premiere date that precedes the closing date of the competition are not eligible.

  • Managers and agents may not apply on behalf of artists.

  • Self-commissions by composers are not eligible. Artistic directors or band leaders writing for their own ensemble or group should consult the Grants to Professional Musicians program for alternative funding.

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Grant Amount

The Canada Council provides grants to commissioners to pay composers' fees.

In the case of non-classical music, this fee depends on the duration of the work, its complexity and the number of musicians required. Grants are available to a maximum of $10,000 per commission.

For classical contemporary/new music concert works, the Canadian League of Composers’ schedule of fees for various durations and instrumental combinations is used as a guideline for maximum payments under this program.

For classical opera/music theatre compositions, up to $20,000 is available for the professional fees of the composer and the librettist (inclusive of librettist’s fee).

The Canada Council also contributes towards certain copying costs and, in the case of electroacoustic music, some production expenses. A Copying and Studio Costs Guidelines sheet, detailing eligible expenses and reimbursement procedures, will be sent to grant recipients. It is the sole responsibility of composers and commissioners to make appropriate and mutually agreed upon arrangements with copyists before incurring any expenses. Costs not covered by the Canada Council's guidelines will remain the sole responsibility of the commissioner and composer.

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How to Apply

The commissioner (not the composer) must apply for the grant. Applicants must complete a Commissioning of Canadian Compositions application form (for each commission submitted), which can be obtained by contacting the Music Section. Applications must be accompanied by the support material listed in the form.

The Canada Council is not responsible for the loss or damage, however caused, of materials submitted in support of an application. Support material will be returned in one package to the contact address indicated by the applicant.

The Canada Council will send, by mail, an immediate acknowledgement that the application has been received.

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Assessment of Applications

Applications are assessed by a peer assessment committee made-up of professionals selected for their experience and expertise. Committee members are also selected to ensure fair representation of gender, Aboriginal peoples, regional and cultural diversity, various genres and both official languages. Committee members review all applications in a competitive context, on the basis of the completed application form and the support material submitted, and in relation to the following criteria:

  • the quality of the composer's work (and the librettist's/playwright's work, where applicable);

  • the quality of the project, including the merit of the proposed commissioner-composer partnership, and the proposed interpreters' performing skills and musicianship;

  • the context and projected impact of the proposed performances;

  • the possibility of repeat performances and further dissemination of the proposed composition.

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The deadlines for applications are 15 January and 15 September.

Applications and all support material should be sent in one package (where possible), and must be postmarked no later than the deadline date. If either date falls on a weekend or statutory holiday, the deadline moves to the next business day.

Late, incomplete or ineligible applications will not be accepted. The Canada Council for the Arts does not send or accept applications by fax or e-mail.

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Notification of Results

Applicants will be notified of the results of the competition, in writing, within four months of the competition closing date.

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Application Form

Commissioning (pdf, 193 KB)
This form can only be printed and cannot be filled out on-line.

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Further Information

To receive an application form or to request more information on the application process or feedback on a previous application for the Commissioning of Canadian Compositions, contact the Music Section Officers listed below. Call toll-free at 1-800-263-5588, or (613) 566-4414, and enter the appropriate extension number.

Music Section Officers:

René Lavoie, Non-Classical Music, ext. 5073;
Shannon Peet, Classical and New Music, ext. 5111.

Fax: (613) 566-4409

Hearing-impaired callers with a TTY machine can contact the Canada Council for the Arts at (613) 565-5194.

April 2003