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Important information for Asian Arts Market, Tokyo Performing Arts Market (TPAM) and the Australia Performing Arts Market (APAM)

The Audience and Market Development Office will work in collaboration with CINARS to coordinate a Canadian delegation of performing arts agents at Tokyo Performing Arts Market and the Australian Performing Arts Market. 

The approach to coordinated Canadian booths is in response to the growing demand for support to attend these events and the limited resources to support these activities.  This is a pilot initiative for 2005-06 to manage the volume of requests and limited resources.  Due to the volume of demand to attend these activities, the Audience and Market Development Office prioritized the presence of performing arts agents, representing more than three (3) Canadian professional performing artists and/or companies as part of these delegations. 

While the Council is only providing travel support to the following organizations to attend these conferences, the booth at each of these events is open to any Canadian artists, company and/or presenter/producer participating at these trade events.  For more information on the booth and other related activities, please contact CINARS at (514) 842-5866 or

Tokyo Performing Arts Market – 12 to 15 September 2005

Menno Plukker, Menno Plukker Theatre Agent Inc.
Marie-Catherine LaPointe, Boulev’art
Hugo Rampen, AMOK Artist Agency
Louise Dubeau, Diagramme gestion culturelle
Élisabeth Comtois, Agence Station bleue
Uriel Luft, Atmo Productions Inc.

Australian Performing Arts Market, Adelaide – 27 February to 3 March 2005

George Skalkogiannis, Les Productions Memoranda
Cheryle Hansen, Kids’ Entertainment
Jim Smith, Eponymous
Menno Plukker, Menno Plukker Theatre Agent Inc.
Hugo Rampen, AMOK Artist Agency
Élisabeth Comtois, Agence Station bleue
John Lambert, John Lambert & Associates
Diane Kadota, Diane Kadota Arts Management

CINARS coordinated the Canadian presence of agents at the Asian Arts Mart in Singapore from 3 to 5 June 2005.  The agents that were presented included:

  • Colin McIntyre, McIntyre & Associates
  • Jim Smith, Eponymous
  • Diane Kadota, Diane Kadota Arts Management
  • Barbara Scales, Latitude 45 Arts Promotion
  • John Lambert, John Lambert & Associates