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AECL R&D and its Programs
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AECL R&D; and its Programs

Fuel testingAECL has strong research and development (R&D) programs that keep us at the leading edge of nuclear technology. Through these activities, we are continuing to enhance the design of CANDU power reactors, advance MAPLE research reactor technology, and explore continuous improvements in all our products and services. Our scientific and engineering staff are committed to understanding and meeting the current and future needs of our customers.

We focus on eight key technologies: safety; software performance; physics and fuel; fuel channels; components and systems; hydrogen and heavy water; environmental emissions and health physics; and control and information. These R&D programs include underlying work to ensure that CANDU technology has a solid technical base through to applied programs that result in qualification of equipment, processes and systems for power and research reactors.
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AECL R&D Experts Recognized For Excellence  Read more