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Newsroom 2003

December 23, 2003
Vancouver, BC -- Canada Lands Company Donates to the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson's Research... more
December 19, 2003
Halifax, NS -- Canada Lands Clarifies Process for CFB Shearwater Redevelopment... more
December 17, 2003
Toronto, ON -- Canada Lands Company Reassumes Management of Canada's National Tower... more
November 24, 2003
Chilliwack, BC -- Canada Lands Company to Redevelop the Former CFB Chilliwack... more
October 29, 2003
Portland, OR -- Canada Lands Wins First International Phoenix Award... more
October 27, 2003
In Memoriam - Charles J. Connaghan... more
October 8, 2003
Burnaby, BC -- Canada Lands Company and the City of Burnaby are proud to announce the opening of a new nature lookout at Glenlyon Business Park... more
September 15, 2003
Ottawa, ON -- Canada Lands Company Opens Memorial Park... more
September 3, 2003
Toronto, ON -- Request for Qualifications... more
June 4, 2003
Toronto, ON -- Cherry Beach Open House... more
May 28, 2003
Toronto, ON -- Cherry Beach Project Information... more
February 24, 2003
Montréal, QC -- Benny Farm redevelopment plan submitted to City of Montréal... more
February 7, 2003
Edmonton, AB -- CFB Griesbach acquired by CLC... more