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October 17th, 2003
The Secrets of Success at Canada Lands Company -- Presentation to la Chambre de Commerce Franco-Colombienne by Gordon McIvor, Vice President, Public and Government Affairs ... read transcript
June 4th, 2003
From Military Base to Sustainable Community -- Presentation to the Manitoba Professional Planners Institute in Winnipeg, Manitoba by Mark McCullough, General Manager, Real Estate, Alberta... read transcript
May 30th, 2003
Optimizing Corporate Governance at Canada Lands -- Presentation to the Public Enterprise Governance Forum (Conference Board of Canada) in Toronto, Ontario, by Kathy Milsom, former President and CEO of Canada Lands... read transcript
May 30th, 2003
Sustainability Reporting - Do's and Don'ts -- Presentation to the Council of Public Affairs Executives in Vancouver, British Columbia, by Gordon McIvor, Vice President, Public and Government Affairs of Canada Lands... read transcript
March 25th, 2003
Achieving the Balance -- Speech to the Crown Corporation Governance Conference (Federated Press) in Ottawa, Ontario by Kathy Milsom, former President and CEO... read transcript