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Deposits Held in RRSPs

CDIC & You
Your eligible deposits held in your Registered Retirement Savings Plans (RRSPs) are insured separately from other deposits held in your name at the same CDIC member institution. The maximum coverage for your RRSP deposits at one member institution is $100,000, including principal and interest.

If you have two or more RRSPs with different plan numbers at the same CDIC member, the $100,000 maximum applies to the total eligible RRSP deposits held in all the plans combined.

If you have a self-directed RRSP, it must be administered by a trustee. The trustee could be a CDIC member or a non-member institution. Your self-directed RRSP may hold deposits placed at several CDIC members, all purchased through your trustee. Any deposits placed at financial institutions that are not CDIC members are NOT insurable by CDIC, regardless of whether or not the trustee of your plan is a CDIC member.

CDIC does not distinguish between self-directed plans and other registered plans. Therefore, the maximum deposit insurance for all eligible deposits held in RRSPs with the same member institution, including those held in a self-directed plan, is $100,000 (principal and interest combined).

A spousal or common-law partner RRSP is a registered savings plan that allows one spouse or common-law partner to contribute to the other spouse or common-law partner's RRSP. Unlike regular RRSPs, the contributor and the owner of the plan are different individuals. For purposes of the $100,000 maximum, eligible deposits in a spousal or common-law partner plan will be added to other eligible deposits in the spouse or common-law partner's name, and not with eligible deposits in the contributor's name.

Registered Retirement Savings Plans (RRSPs): Example 1

Eligible deposits held within RRSPs are insured separately by CDIC from non-registered deposits held at the same member institutions.

Your non-registered deposits
Savings account $15,000
Chequing account $10,000
Four-year term deposits (value at maturity) $40,000
Total, including accrued interest $65,000

Five-year term deposits (value at maturity) $40,000
Mutual funds $15,000

The term deposits of $40,000 under your RRSP are fully insurable by CDIC, in addition to the $65,000 you have placed in non-registered deposits at the same CDIC member.

Your $15,000 investment in mutual funds held in your RRSP is NOT protected by deposit insurance, since mutual funds are not insurable.

RRSPs: Example 2

You and your spouse hold the following deposits in RRSPs at the same CDIC member:

Deposits in your RRSP
Five-year Guaranteed Investment Certificates (GICs) (value at maturity) $95,000

Deposits your spouse or your common law partner contributes directly to his/her RRSP
Three-year Guaranteed Investment Certificates (GICs) (value at maturity) $80,000

Deposits you contribute to a spousal or common law partner RRSP
Three-year Guaranteed Investment Certificates (GICs) (value at maturity) $35,000

Your RRSP deposits total $95,000, including interest, and are fully insurable by CDIC.

Your spouse or common law partner's RRSP deposits total $115,000, including the deposits you have made as spousal contributions. CDIC would insure these deposits only to the $100,000 maximum. Thus, the additional $15,000 would NOT be protected by deposit insurance.

RRSPs: Example 3

The ABC Trust Company is the trustee of your self-directed RRSP. Through your trustee, you place deposits at ABC Trust Company, LMN Bank and XYZ Trust Company. These financial institutions are CDIC members.

If they meet all eligibility criteria, the following deposits within your self-directed RRSP would be fully insured by CDIC:

ABC Trust Company (Self-Directed RRSP in trust for you)
Five-year term deposits (value at maturity) $75,000
Savings account $5,000
Total, including $80,000

LMN Bank (ABC Trust Company in trust for you)
Two-year term deposits (value at maturity) $45,000

XYZ Trust Company (ABC Trust Company in trust for you)
Three-year term deposits (value at maturity) $90,000

At each member institution, your eligible deposits held within your self-directed RRSP total less than $100,000; therefore, they are fully insurable by CDIC.

RRSPs: Example 4

You hold $35,000 in three-year Guaranteed Investment Certificates (GICs) within an RRSP at a CDIC member institution. The same CDIC member institution is the trustee of your self-directed RRSP and places $80,000 in GICs at the same member on your behalf.

Depositor Details Insured Uninsured
RRSP GIC $35,000 (value at maturity) $100,000 $15,000
Self-directed RRSP GIC $80,000 (value at maturity)
Total $115,000

Your RRSP deposits at this member institution total $115,000, of which CDIC would insure $100,000 including principal and interest.

Last modified : 7 July 2005

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