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The next application deadline for this program will be 1 May 2006. Updated program guidelines and form will be available in February 2006.

 February 2005

1. Eligibility of applicants

Applicants must now have presented at least two full editions of a multidisciplinary arts festival as a provincially and federally registered non-profit Canadian professional arts organization, by the date of application.

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2. One application per festival

Applicants may submit only one request per festival to this program, per competition.

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3. Inclusion of “inter-cultural context” in the assessment criteria

Projects will continue to be assessed on the artistic merit of the programming (i.e. relevance of the project to the festival’s mandate, resources and audience), but will now take into consideration the regional, cultural and inter-cultural context.

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4. Improved budget form

The budget form has been clarified and is now available electronically in Excel format.

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5. Change in maximum grant amount

The maximum grant amount available is now $25,000 per festival.

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6. Reminder that funding is for a clearly defined project

Multidisciplinary Festivals Project Grants are intended to fund a clearly defined project that is a specific component of festival programming. Applicants submitting their entire program for funding will be considered ineligible.

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7. Tips on preparing an application

Changes have been made to the Tips on Preparing Your Application section, which is at the end of the application guidelines. Applicants should read this section carefully before completing the application form.