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Editorial Policy

The mission of Cadence is to contribute to and support the professional development of leaders of the cadet program.

Editorial Objectives

Cadence will serve as an internal communications vehicle to:

  • Keep the leaders of the cadet program informed on training, policies, program initiatives and opportunities.
  • Provide an open and interactive forum that encourages the exchange of ideas and best practices at the local level.
  • Educate leaders of the cadet program on youth issues and current trends in education and youth development
  • Support and promote the aims and vision of the cadet program.


Editorial Guidelines

    Articles are selected according to the editorial guidelines outlined below. Cadence strives to publish content that is:

  • Relevant—Texts are carefully chosen for their value to inform, educate and promote professional development. Content will support the goals of the cadet program.
  • Accurate—Content will be objective and based on fact. Any opinion will be clearly identified as such and attributed to specific persons or groups.
  • Balanced—Articles will be selected to reflect a balance across regions, elements and interests.
  • Interactive—Cadence will encourage feedback and provide a forum for open discussion.

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Organization and Responsibilities

The editorial board is mandated to make recommendations to Director Cadets on the strategic direction of Cadence and to provide oversight. The editorial board is responsible for:

  • Proposing themes in collaboration with the managing editor and editor.
  • Evaluating Cadence to ensure it meets the needs of its primary audiences, achieves the editorial objectives, and is in line with the strategic direction of the cadet program.
  • Participating in planning meetings at the early stages of each issue of Cadence.

The editorial board will be comprised of:

  • Three members from CIC Branch Advisory Council (BAC), to be selected by the BAC co-advisors; and
  • One member from each section within D Cdts, to be selected by the section head.
The managing editor and editor will participate in all editorial board meetings.
Regional public affairs officers and league communications representatives may offer input to the editorial board through the editor/managing editor.

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Target Audiences

Primary audiences: Cadence is intended primarily for CIC officers and CIs at the local level.

Secondary audiences:

Cadence is also available as a resource to:

  • senior cadets;
  • sponsoring, parent and civilian committees;
  • members of the leagues; and
  • CF members including CIC officers working at the regional and national levels.

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Editorial Board

The editorial board is mandated to make recommendations to Director Cadets on the strategic direction of Cadence and to provide oversight.

The editorial board is responsible for:

  • Proposing themes in collaboration with the managing editor and editor.
  • Evaluating Cadence to ensure it meets the needs of its primary audiences, achieves the editorial objectives, and is in line with the strategic direction of the cadet program.
  • Participating in planning meetings at the early stages of each issue of Cadence.
  • The editorial board will be comprised of:
  • Three members from CIC Branch Advisory Council (BAC), to be selected by the BAC co-advisors; and
  • One member from each section within D Cdts, to be selected by the section head.
The managing editor and editor will participate in all editorial board meetings.
Regional public affairs officers and league communications representatives may offer input to the editorial board through the editor/managing editor.

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Editorial Decisions

The editor develops the content of each issue of Cadence based on the feedback received during planning meetings with the editorial board. The editor will also provide the managing editor with a detailed storyboard no later than two weeks prior to copy deadline. Final decisions relating to content rests with the Director Cadets, through the managing editor.

Submissions may be edited for clarity, style, grammar, length and accuracy, but an attempt will be made to preserve the integrity of the author’s style and intent. The editor may give contributors the opportunity to approve revisions before publication. Notwithstanding that approval, the editor reserves the right to make last-minute changes as required.

The editor may postpone publishing suitable material until a later date to accommodate the production process.

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For each issue of Cadence, a specific theme will be determined. Upcoming themes are published in Cadence and on the national cadet website at Content is not restricted to the current theme.

Readers are encouraged to share ideas, concerns and best practices. Content suggestions are welcome, however, space in the publication should not be expected nor is it a matter of right. Anyone involved with the cadet program, including members of the Leagues, cadets, volunteers, parents and CF members, may submit content for Cadence.

Regular sections of Cadence include:

  • Opening Notes: A section dedicated to introducing the theme of an issue and relating this theme to the overall aims and vision of the cadet program.
  • Mail Bag: A section for letters to the editor. Letters will be considered for publication providing they are signed and are not libellous, obscene or offensive. Whenever possible, Cadence endeavours to respond to issues raised in letters published under Mail Bag.
  • March Past: A section aimed at delivering "news" relating to policy changes and other issues of interest to the leaders of the cadet program. Items may include a photo. Articles should be in line with the overall objectives of the editorial policy.
  • Viewpoint: A section where opinions relating to leadership issues or other topics of concern are invited. Viewpoint is intended for, but not limited to, local level articles.
  • Forum: A section for sharing ideas, best practices and lessons learned from local, regional or national levels.

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Information About Submitting Articles

Articles generally do not require approval/clearance of the chain of command prior to submission with the exception of articles submitted as part of staff function. These articles, which are intended to represent official policy and position, require appropriate approval.

A separate document titled Cadence Submission Guidelines contains the detailed information about length of articles for the different sections of Cadence.

In order to maintain the editorial objectives and standards set by this editorial policy, submissions should adhere to the following procedures:

  • Other than the March Past (news) section of the publication, articles should be related to one or more of the editorial objectives.
  • Notice of upcoming events/submissions should be given to the editor as early as possible. This will increase the possibility of publication and ensure that information is shared with the Cadet community in a timely matter. Copy deadlines are clearly stated in each issue.
  • In articles other than opinion pieces, the writer must maintain balance and objectivity.
  • The writer is responsible for verifying facts and arguments before submitting their article to Cadence.
  • Detailed information about photographs, captions and style and length requirements are outlined in Cadence Submission Guidelines.

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Using words and ideas or any work by someone else without giving proper credit is plagiarism. Any time you use information from a source, authors must cite it.

It is the writer’s responsibility to put others’ words in quotation marks and cite source(s). Writers must give citations when using others' ideas, even if those ideas are paraphrased in their own words.

The term "source" includes published works (books, magazines, newspapers, websites, plays, movies, photos, paintings, and textbooks) and unpublished sources (class lectures or notes, handouts, speeches, other students' papers, or material from a research service).

Information about plagiarism extracted from Georgetown University Honor Council (1999) website. Georgetown University Honor Council (1999) web site. [July.1,1999]

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Readers are encouraged to inform the Editor when errors in fact are published in Cadence. Cadence will publish corrections and clarifications to factual mistakes.

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Copies are sent to cadet corps/squadrons based on authorized strength. Copies are also provided to the leagues, regional cadet support units and their sub-units, and to selected DND/CF officials.

Cadence is available in PDF and HTML formats on the national cadet website.

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Crown copyright is retained. Articles may be reproduced with the permission of the Editor, on condition that appropriate credit is given to Cadence.

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Contact Information

  • Editor, Cadence - Directorate of Cadets
    National Defence Headquarters
    101 Colonel By Drive
    Ottawa, ON - K1A 0K2
    Phone: 1-800-627-0828 - Fax: 613-996-1618


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