New Online Training Site for Navy League Officers

The Navy League Cadet Officer Training Centre provides nationally approved training material and testing for all volunteer Officers and Instructors...

Navy League and CF sign new MOU

A New Memorandum of Understanding for delivery of the Sea Cadet Program...

2006 Annual General Meeting

“On Course for 2012” Thursday, 2 March to Sunday,
5 March 2006


Sea Cadet Enters Coast Guard College


The Navy League of Canada is pleased to note that Chief Petty Officer 2nd Class Erik Rettmer of 113 RCSCC Athabaskan in Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta has been accepted into the Coast Guard College in Sydney, Nova Scotia. more>>



Historic Vessel

HMCS Acadia turns 50


About 500 cadets paraded in the rain in front of reviewing officer Admiral Gary Garnett and several other dignitaries. more>>



Historic VesselFirst Orca-Class Vessel nearing Completion


Last Tuesday, RAdm Roger Girouard rapped his knuckles on the hull of the first Orca Class vessel being built at Victoria Shipyards. The ping of metal that resounded was a reminder the 33-metre training vessel will soon replace the antiquated, wooden hull Yard Auxiliary General (YAG) 300 series. more>>


Historic VesselNew Medal Recognizes Sea Cadet Service


The Navy League of Canada (NLOC) has created an award to recognize continuous cadet service of at least four years by deserving Royal Canadian Sea Cadets. more>>

Order Calendars

© 2002-2006. The Navy League of Canada. All rights reserved. Last modified: November 23, 2006