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APEC Policy Dialogue on Deposit Insurance

CDIC & the World

Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation was asked by the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Finance Ministers to chair the first ever APEC Policy Dialogue on Deposit Insurance. The event took place in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia from February 16 to 18, 2004.

Drawing on experience and lessons learned in Canada, policymakers from 21 countries were informed about the need to provide legal protection and to indemnify financial safety net participants, techniques to promote sound governance measures and constructive interrelationships within financial safety nets, and arrangements to promote prompt corrective actions to deal with problem deposit-taking institutions.

Jean Pierre Sabourin, President and Chief Executive Officer of the Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation, chaired the Policy Dialogue. Governor Zeti Akhtar Aziz, of Bank Negara Malaysia delivered the keynote speech.


A copy of the presentations are provided for your reference:
Also provided are notes for presentation and background papers:
  • Background Paper - Strengthening Governance Arrangements for Financial Sector Oversight Agencies: Evidence from the FSAPs – Stefan Ingves, International Monetary Fund
  • Notes for presentation - Mr. Chin-Tsair Tsay, Chairman Central Deposit Insurance Corporation
  • Notes for presentation - John Palmer, Deputy Managing Director, Monetary Authority of Singapore
  • Background Paper - Legal Aspects of Depositor Protection Schemes: Comparative Perspective – Professor Joe Norton, London University

APEC Policy Dialogue on Deposit Insurance: Summary of Key Points

Last modified : 29 March 2004

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