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Our Policies
Our mandate is to invest in the best interests of Canada Pension Plan contributors and beneficiaries and to maximize investment returns without undue risk of loss

The CPP Investment Board is governed by a comprehensive set of corporate by-laws, policies and procedures.


The board of directors establishes our by-laws. By-laws govern the conduct and management of the CPP Investment Board’s business affairs and compensation for directors. A copy of every by-law must be kept at the office of the CPP Investment Board.

By-Law #1 (PDF 35KB)

This by-law relates generally to the transaction of the business and affairs of the CPP Investment Board.

By-Law #2 (PDF 9KB)

This by-law establishes the remuneration of the directors of the CPP Investment Board.


All policies and their accompanying procedures are approved by the board of directors.

Code of Conduct and Conflict of Interest Procedures for Officers and Employees (PDF 367KB)

The Code of Conduct and Conflict of Interest Procedures provide a workable process for identifying, minimizing and resolving conflicts of interest so that officers and employees can discharge their responsibilities effectively while maintaining their integrity. The procedures have been developed to ensure that officers and employees have a full understanding of our principles and values and to assist them in determining appropriate business practices and behaviour.

Communications and Stakeholder Relations Policy (PDF 125KB)

This policy applied to managing communications and relations with our stakeholders and the news media.

Disclosure Policy (PDF 55KB)

This policy states the commitment of the CPP Investment Board to disclose information about our investment activities.

Employee Travel and Expense Policy (PDF 98KB)

This policy applies to our employees when traveling or otherwise incurring expenses in relation to CPP Investment Board business.

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Governance Manual

This manual defines the roles and responsibilities of our board of directors, committees and the president and chief executive officer.

Internal Audit Non-Audit Services Approval Policy (PDF 89KB)

This policy outlines the CPP Investment Board's policy for Audit Committee approval of services to be performed by the internal audit service provider.

Investment Statement (PDF 207KB)

This policy establishes investment policies, standards and procedures, in accordance with the CPP Investment Board Act, that address particular investment topics. It is expanded upon in more detailed investment strategies, policies and guidelines developed by management and approved by the board or the president and CEO.

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Audit Non-Audit Services Policy (PDF 84KB)

This policy outlines the CPP Investment Board's policy for Audit Committee approval of services provided by the external auditor.

Privacy Policy (PDF 126KB)

Our privacy policy outlines the principles by which we operate to protect the Personal Information of individuals and employees that we collect, use or disclose in the conduct of our investment activities, governance, internal administration and contacts with the public.

Procurement Policy (PDF 194KB)

Our procurement policy defines the guidelines by which we will procure goods and services on a basis that is consistent with our obligations to the contributors to and beneficiaries of the CPP.

Proxy Voting Principles and Guidelines (PDF 133KB)

Our proxy voting guidelines give the directors and officers of companies in which we own shares guidance on how the CPP Investment Board is likely to vote on issues put to the shareholders.

Policy on Responsible Investing (PDF 163KB)

The CPP Investment Board believes that disclosure is the key to building confidence and allowing investors to better understand, evaluate and assess investment risk and return. The CPP Investment Board takes a broad view of the impact of environmental, social and governance factors on long-term investment performance.

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Corporate Governance


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