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Canada Lands has successfully developed core competencies in a number of business lines through its activities related to the properties under its ownership. These include:

Sale of Properties
As part of its mandate, Canada Lands optimizes the financial and community value obtained from surplus strategic federal properties, and then holds or sells them to obtain the best value for the government and people of Canada...
Significant properties transferred to Canada Lands usually require planning and development before they are ready to be reintroduced into the fabric of the local community...
Environmental Remediation
Canada Lands' commitment to leave a lasting legacy in communities is exemplified through its remediation of the former Canadian National Railway Shops property in Moncton, New Brunswick...
Build To Suit
Canada Lands has custom-designed many developments to meet the specific needs of companies and government departments across the country...
Property Management
Canada Lands' property management team is committed to providing the highest level of service to its tenants through proper maintenance and efficient operation of all building equipment, systems and features...
Tourism and Hospitality
Canada Lands is the owner and operator of Canada's National Tower (CN Tower), the centre for tourism in Toronto.