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Canadians have the right to know why, how and where we invest their Canada Pension Plan money, who makes the investment decisions, what assets are owned on their behalf, and how the investments are performing.

December 2004

Actuarial Report (21st) on the Canada Pension Plan

The 21st Actuarial Report of the Canada Pension Plan was tabled in Parliament on December 8, 2004. In his most recent report, the Chief Actuary of Canada reaffirms the findings of the previous actuarial report and states the CPP is sustainable throughout the 75-year projection period. Under the 9.9% legislated contribution rate, the assets are projected to grow rapidly during the next 17 years as contributions exceed benefits paid. According to the 21st Actuarial Report, the CPP fund, is expected to grow to $147 billion by the end of 2010.



Special Examination Report (PDF 186KB)

September 2002

Discussion Paper on Conflicts of Interest (PDF 200KB)

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