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Prix de Rome in Architecture

The Canada Council for the Arts Prix de Rome in Architecture encourages the development of artistic excellence in contemporary architectural practice with two annual prizes: Professional Prix de Rome in Architecture and Prix de Rome in Architecture for Emerging Practitioners.

The Professional Prix de Rome in Architecture, valued at $50,000, is awarded to a young architect or practitioner of architecture, an architecture firm or an architectural design firm that has completed its first buildings and demonstrated an exceptional artistic potential. The prize allows the laureates to travel around the world to hone their skills, develop their creative practice and strengthen their presence in international architecture culture. The project can involve multiple trips to a number of destinations, spread over a two-year period.

The Prix de Rome in Architecture for Emerging Practitioners, valued at $34,000, is awarded to a recent graduate of one of Canada’s ten accredited schools of architecture, who demonstrates exceptional potential in contemporary architectural design. The recipient will have the opportunity to broaden his or her knowledge of contemporary architecture culture by visiting a series of selected buildings and to expand his or her professional skills with an internship at an internationally acclaimed architectural firm anywhere in the world.