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Corporate Governance
CPP Investment Board has committed to build an engagement capability and will use its ownership positions in companies to encourage improved performance on and disclosure of environmental, social and governance factors.

As an universal investor in more than 2600 companies around the world, the CPP Investment Board believes that disclosure is the key factor that allows investors to better understand, evaluate and assess investment risk and return. This belief is reflected in the CPP Investment Board’s own commitment to transparency.

The CPP Investment Board’s Policy on Responsible Investing, which succeeds its Social Investing Policy, reflects the next step in the continuing evolution of our commitment to invest the CPP funds entrusted to our care. In defining this policy, the CPP Investment Board has taken a broad view of the impact of environmental, social and governance factors on long-term investment performance.

The CPP Investment Board is committed to encouraging corporate behaviour that enhances long-term corporate financial performance. To date, the CPP Investment Board has focused its attention on two critical areas – disclosure and corporate governance. We expect to expand this focus over time to include support for key initiatives surrounding the disclosure of information regarding environmental, social and governance factors.

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