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For the Arts - Issue 13 Winter 2003


The new generation of artists
The building of new legacies
The art of networking
Dialogues between cultures
Cultural Diversity: the Path Forward
News and Updates
Photo: Ziyian Kwan, Barbara Bourget and Jay Hirabayashi, in The Believer, Kokoro Dance, choreography by Jay Hirabayashi (photo: Laurence M. Svirchev)

A fusion of the world’s cultures

Canada today is a country in the throes of an irrepressible ferment, the dynamic product of a harmonious fusion of the world’s cultures. According to the latest census data, Canada’s population is now made up of more than 200 different ethnic groups. Nearly 4 million people are members of visible minorities - a number that has tripled in 20 years. Artists and arts organizations are at the cutting edge of this cultural diversity, as a wealth of images, productions and ideas attests. Indeed, the range and activity of culturally diverse art belie the raw statistical numbers.

A microcosm of Canadian society, the Canada Council for the Arts is evolving and changing as it keeps pace with this new cultural reality. In the last six years, Council support to culturally diverse art has grown dramatically. Today, it stands at almost $10 million. Support to culturally diverse organizations alone has more than quadrupled in dollar terms while the number of organizations supported has more than doubled. The percentage of Council personnel who are members of a visible minority or of an Aboriginal community now exceeds that of the active population. The same is the case for membership on the Council’s peer assessment committees.

Future generations will remember that, at the beginning of the 21st century, Canada embraced the diverse complexity of an enriching and creative meeting of cultures, and nourished it … as this issue of For the Arts1 illustrates.

1 The editors wish to thank Soraya Peerbaye, Co-ordinator of the Canada Council’s Equity Office, for her close collaboration in the preparation of this issue.

Photo: Ziyian Kwan, Barbara Bourget and Jay Hirabayashi, in The Believer, Kokoro Dance, choreography by Jay Hirabayashi (photo: Laurence M. Svirchev)