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Welcome to the Algonquin Provincial Park Website. Whether you have been coming to Algonquin for years or are just now considering your first trip, we want you to have a visit worthy of what is truly a magnificent landscape.

Of course, the chances are good that you will, because Algonquin has obviously occupied a very special place in the hearts and minds of a great many people for a very long time.

Millions of people have precious memories of an Algonquin experience — perhaps the unforgettable fishing trip twenty years ago, perhaps falling asleep after a hard day with the wild calls of loons reverberating from ancient moonlit hills, or perhaps marvelling from a clifftop at wild, rugged country stretching as far as the eye can see.

Indeed, as a refuge from our urban way of life, Algonquin's 7,725 square kilometres of forests, lakes, and rivers have assumed an almost incalculable importance as a living link with a vanishing past. How many city children have, or will, come to Algonquin and hear for the first and only time in their lives the mournful howl of a wolf? How many will see first-hand — in Algonquin and nowhere else — a reasonable facsimile of the wilderness that once covered all of Ontario?

We hope that within the pages of this Website, you will find all that you require to plan an enjoyable and memorable trip to Algonquin!


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© The Friends Of Algonquin Park. All Rights Reserved.
Web site layout and design by : Baytides Management Inc.
Ontario Parks