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Research and Development Advisory Panel

AECL's Research and Development Advisory Panel - 2005
Front row (left to right) Dr. T. Rogers, Dr. E. McCulloch, Dr. D. Lister, Dr. R. Armstrong, Dr. J. Jonas
Back row (left to right) Dr. D. Rozon, Dr. D. Burns, Dr. A. Driedger (retired), Dr. D. Armstrong (deceased), Mr. J. Jennekens (retired)
AECL’s R&D Advisory Panel is responsible for advising AECL's Board of Directors on the strategic needs, alliances, and direction of the research and development activities of AECL. The Panel advises the Board of Directors as to whether or not these programs have the appropriate priority, scope, composition, and balance between short-term and long-term activities, to sustain AECL's nuclear program, both nationally and internationally. For more information, please view the following PDF documents: