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Health and Safety

AECL places health and safety as our highest priority. AECL is committed to protecting the health and safety of the public and our employees.

Health and safety requirements are integrated into all phases of our business activities including product development, project planning, project implementation, operations and decommissioning.

We provide employees, contractors and visitors with a safe workplace.

We comply with applicable health and safety laws, requirements, and recognized standards and guidelines appropriate to our activities.

We eliminate or control hazards in order to reduce the risk of workplace injuries and illnesses.

We limit exposure to hazardous materials below the thresholds set in applicable regulations.

We limit exposure to radioactive materials to be as low as reasonably achievable, taking into account relevant social and economic factors.

We set health and safety targets, and continually monitor our performance against them.

We clearly communicate roles and responsibilities, and maintain a system for the management of occupational health and safety.

We review the impacts of our activities, facilities, projects, services, and products on health and safety.

We inform customers, contractors and partners, as applicable, of our health and safety requirements.

Effective Date
The policy is authorized by the AECL Board of Directors and becomes effective on 2004 January 30.
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