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Minister Lunn Appoints New Chair of AECL Board of Directors

(October 31) The Honourable Gary Lunn, Minister of Natural Resources, today announced the appointment of Mr. Michael C. Burns as Chair of the Board of Directors of AECL.   Read more

Asthma Society of Canada joins Team CANDU

(October 26) The Asthma Society of Canada is joining the growing number of companies and organizations supporting the selection of CANDU technology for new nuclear power plants in Ontario by becoming a Team CANDU Associate Member.  Read more

Organization of CANDU Industries joins Team CANDU

(October 23) OCI is joining Team CANDU as an Associate Member and putting its full support behind the selection of CANDU technology for new nuclear power plants in Ontario.   Read more

Breathe Free - AECL and Asthma Society of Canada team up to improve air quality

(October) Air pollution negatively affects the respiratory health of tens of thousands of Canadians every year, resulting in pain, suffering, loss of productivity and even death.   Read more

AECL Wins $12 Million Contract for Services, Equipment in China

(October 03) AECL has been awarded a $12 million (Cdn), three-year contract to supply China's Third Qinshan Nuclear Power Company (TQNPC) with engineering services and equipment for the construction of a MACSTOR 400 spent fuel dry storage system at the Qinshan CANDU nuclear power site.  Read more

Ontario Heritage Trust Commemorates Douglas Point Nuclear Station with Provincial Plaque

(September 27) The Douglas Point Nuclear Generating Station near Tiverton, Ontario has been recognized by the Ontario Heritage Trust with a provincial plaque for its contribution to the development of commercial scale CANDU reactors.  Read more

Team CANDU applauds OPG’s Decision to Begin Approval Process for New Nuclear

(September 22) Team CANDU applauds today’s announcement by Ontario Power Generation (OPG) on its application to seek federal approval for potential new nuclear units at its Darlington nuclear site.  Read more

AECL Issues 2006 Annual Report

(September 19) AECL today announced that its Annual Report for the year ended March 31, 2006 is available for public distribution.  Read more

Government Committed to Long-Term AECL Success, NRCan Minister Says

(September 14) AECL can count on the government’s continued support, says the Honourable Gary Lunn, Minister of Natural Resources Canada.  Read more

Prime Minister Harper promotes CANDU on world stage

(September) With recent endorsements for CANDU technology from Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, AECL is positioning itself as a strong candidate in what is being seen as a nuclear revival in the United Kingdom.  Read more

AECL is good for Petawawa

(September 07) Town council is thrilled about recent successes at the Atomic Energy of Canada's Chalk River site, and is looking forward to the municipality reaping the benefits.  Read more

A First for AECL Enhanced Fuel Bundles

(August 29) AECL’s next generation of CANDU reactor fuel will enable CANDU operators around the world to substantially increase the performance and safety of their existing reactors.  Find out how

Helping to Save Lives Through Nuclear - A Canadian success story

(August 21) Nuclear energy and saving lives.
It's not an association that many people readily make. But at its Chalk River Laboratories, 182 kilometres northwest of Ottawa, AECL is in the business of helping to save lives - millions of them, worldwide.  Read more

Survey Shows Nuclear Growing in Support

(August 16) According to a recent COMPAS Inc. survey conducted for the Financial Post newspaper, Canada's business leaders believe North America should reduce its dependence on oil and imported energy by increasing conservation efforts and renewing its commitment to nuclear energy.  Read more

Email Bulletin - Week of August 14

Making a Difference - Read more

Evidence favours nuclear power

(August 11) A recent Pembroke Daily Observer editorial states that the facts, evidence and studies confirm that there is a case for pursuing nuclear energy as a less-risky choice for power in Ontario. Read more

Chalk River Site Licence Renewal

(July 31) AECL is pleased to report that the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) has approved its application to renew the Chalk River Laboratories Site Operating Licence for a period of 63 months.  More

Flagship CANDU 6 Undergoes Full Refurbishment

The flagship of the CANDU industry, the Point Lepreau Generating Station, is undergoing one of the most important upgrades in the history of CANDU technology.  More

Exciting News Positions AECL For Domestic and International Growth

The past month has been an exhilarating one for AECL, its employees and the Canadian nuclear industry with the release of a series of announcements that promise great growth potential for AECL and long-term solutions for legacy issues.  More

Email Bulletin - Week of July 10

Delivering More Good News!  Read more

Team CANDU Applauds Ontario's Decision

(June 13) Team CANDU applauds today’s announcement by the Government of Ontario. The Government has spelled out a plan to meet the Province’s electricity needs and Team CANDU is confident it can play the role government envisions for it, particularly in regards to delivering nuclear facilities on time and on budget.  More

Major international contract won

(June 07) AECL today announced that it has been awarded a major contract by Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co., Ltd. (KHNP) for the retubing of the Wolsong 1 CANDU 6 nuclear reactor.  More

Government of Canada announces long-term strategy and plan

(June 02) AECL Moving Forward With Canada’s New Long-Term Strategy for Decommissioning and Waste Management - Funding for the new long-term strategy was announced today by the Honourable Gary Lunn, Minister of Natural Resources Canada and amounts to $520 million over the next five years.  More / View webcast
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