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For the Arts Newsletters

For the Arts Newsletter, Issue 3, Summer 2000

(2000-07-01) In this issue: Council Grants have Crucial Impact on Artists' Careers, Of Bubbles, Budgets and Peer Review, The Canada Council...On the Road, New alliance between the arts and sciences, Council study of large arts organizations, Prizes and Awards, Coyote's Roundup: national meeting on Aboriginal theatre in Canada, Canada Council supports Melvin Charney at Venice Biennale, Public Lending Right Commission takes its message abroadClayoquot Sound designated a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve, Multi-media exhibit about Déné tragedy receives Council funding.

For the Arts Newsletter, Issue 2, Spring 2000

(2000-04-01) In this issue: Reviewing Peer Assessment, 2000: Off to a Flying Start, Winners: The Prince and Princess Edward Prize, Saidye Bronfman Award, Jacqueline Lemieux Prize, John G. Diefenbaker Award, Molson Prizes, Izaak Walton Killam: Support for Science and the Humanities, New in March! Governor General's Awards in Visual and Media Arts, The Governor General's Literary Awards, The Arts and Public Funding, In Memoriam, Chinese Translation Prize, New Gifts and Loans Benefit Arts Community, Council Supports Inter2000, Art Bank in Action!, login:danc/se Workshops Explore Dance Themes, South Asian Canadian Artists Showcased at Museum, Media Arts Projects Score Successes, Mega-Response to Millennium Arts Fund, Canadian to lead UNESCO reform effort, Canada Council Involved in Largest Poetry Publishing Project in Canadian History, Visual Arts Section Funds Tour, 45 Countries Already Committed to World Summit.

For the Arts Newsletter, Issue 4, Winter 2000

(2000-01-01) In this issue: The World Summit on the Arts and Culture: 12 Questions in Search of an Answer, Arts Councils Around the World, The e-lounge, The Arts and Culture and Borderlines, Prizes, Report from the Board Quest Program, UNESCO Prize, Womex 2000, Focus on Film, Art Bank, Creativity 2000, Vera Frenkel.

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