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For the Arts Newsletters

For the Arts Newsletter, Issue 16, Fall 2003

(2003-10-01) In this issue: Dance in motion, Ancient instruments and younger players, Jean-Louis Roux: a man for all seasons, Robert J. Sawyer: resident science fiction award-winner, Story-telling from abroad and Music makers.

For the Arts Newsletter, Issue 15, Summer 2003

(2003-07-01) In this issue: Canada’s Small Magazines: Building a Culture Brick by Brick, The festival circuit: the best of theatre from here and from away, John Hobday on the Canada Council’s strategy to sustain artistic excellence, Young people’s theatre: applause ! applause !, Sonic Weavers tour European music festivals and Molson Prizes recognize two extraordinary careers.

For the Arts Newsletter, Issue 14, Spring 2003

(2003-04-01) In this issue: Architecture: The art of building ideas, terminus 1525: the synergy of youth, Artists look to their communities and vice versa, Killam Prizes: Shining a spotlight on excellence in research, Turin book fair focuses on Canadian literature, Dance and film: an artistic reunion and UNESCO and cultural diversity

For the Arts Newsletter, Issue 13, Winter 2003

(2003-01-01) In this issue: The new generation of artists, The building of new legacies, The art of networking, Dialogues between cultures and Cultural Diversity: the Path Forward.

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