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Cernavoda Nuclear Power Plant, Romania

Nuclear Power in Romania

Cernavoda Nuclear Power Plant represents a safe, efficient and clean source of electricity, included in the national strategy of social and economic development of Romania

Due to the proven performance and benefits of nuclear power, the further development of the Romanian nuclear industry has a strong support at the highest administrative and political level

Nuclear power will reduce the dependence of Romania on external suppliers of primary resources, geographically sited outside of Europe, in line with the EU policy to increase the “Security of Energy Supply”.

The development of the nuclear power industry and the transfer of CANDU technology to Romania have created a strong knowledge centre that produces good paying jobs and many positive economic spin-offs for Romania. In addition, Romania achieves a high degree of energy self-sufficiency by producing from domestic resources its own fuel and heavy water required for the operation of a CANDU.

The Cernavoda nuclear power plant is owned and operated by Nuclearelectria (SNN S.A.). SNN has three sub companies:

  • CNE-PROD, responsible for the safe and efficient operation of Unit 1
  • CNE-INVEST, responsible for the completion of Unit 2 and the preservation of Units 3-5
  • Nuclear Fuel Plant Pitesti, responsible for fabrication of nuclear fuel

AECL has had a strong and successful relationship with SNN and its predecessor RENEL-GEN.

CernavodaThe Cernavoda Nuclear Power site is situated on the Danube River between the inland capital city of Bucharest and the second largest city Constanta situated on the Black Sea shore. The work on the nuclear power plants was started in 1980 but due to political and financial issues completion was delayed.

Unit 1 completion was performed by an AECL lead AECL/Ansaldo Consortium between 1992 and 1996. This project was completed on schedule.

Unit 1 performance continues to improve, achieving a greater than 90% capacity factor for 2005, bringing the capacity factor since in-service in December 1996 to 87.13%. At the end of 2005 Cernavoda 1 had the third highest “since in-service” CANDU capacity factor. This has been achieved while keeping the effluent dose below 10% of the legal release limits and realizing a steady decrease in the number of reportable events.

The operation of Unit 1 avoids the release of about 4 million tons of CO2 per year and avoids the import of about 1.4 million tons of oil per year.

The Unit 2 project started in March 2003. This project is lead by AECL with both Ansaldo and SNN sharing the project management responsibilities. SNN has been able to assume a greater role in the completion due to the transfer of technology and the experience gained through the successful operation of Unit 1. At this writing in March 2006, construction work is winding down as major systems are being turned over to commissioning. Unit 2 is planned for completion in 2007. With both units in operation the Cernavoda CANDU station will produce around 18% of Romania’s gross electricity production

CANDU Technology transfer has also been very important for the successful operation of the nuclear fuel plant in Petisti. There have been no fuel failures attributed to the fuel produced in Romania and this plant has increased production to be able to meet the needs of both Unit 1 and Unit 2.

Cernavoda has an AECL-designed Dry Spent Fuel Storage facility in operation for the interim management of spent fuel. The first module was commissioned in May 2003 in cooperation with AECL. The transfer of technology is resulting in additional modules being built by Romanian companies.

SNN is currently proceeding with plans for the completion of Unit 3 with tentative completion date of 2012-2013. Preparation for a Joint Venture project model is underway. Interest is shown in the project by major utilities and large consumers. The results of the feasibility study for this project are expected soon. AECL expects to be a major player in the completion of the third Romanian CANDU.
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