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A Framework for Action

Members of the Aboriginal Curatorial community (independent, emerging, artist-run, and in-residence) convened for a round table discussion that was held in Ottawa on June 9 and 10, 2005. Hosted by the newly formed Aboriginal Curatorial Collective, curators and critics discussed issues related to curatorial practice, publishing and the national Aboriginal art diasporas.

The ACC’s proposal “A Framework for Action” identified and led the discussion towards endorsing short-term and long-term goals, identifying challenges and opportunities to support and strengthen an Aboriginal presence within the arts. The successful two day gathering, supported by the Aboriginal Secretariat of the Canada Council for the Arts, recognized the need for on-going support for Aboriginal critics and curators in writing, research and publishing in order to contribute an Aboriginal voice to the discourse of art history writ large.

For more information: Aboriginal Curatorial Collective web site.