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2006 winners of the Victor Martyn Lynch-Staunton Awards

Interdisciplinary artist Robin Brass, media artist Pascale Ferland, dancer Santee Smith, author Peter Knudtson, jazz musician and composer Brad Turner, playwright Larry Tremblay, and photographer Ron Terada are the 2006 winners of the Canada Council for the Arts’ Victor Martyn Lynch-Staunton Awards.


2006 Victor Martyn Lynch-Staunton Awards

 Robin Brass Portrait (Photo: courtesy Robin Brass)
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 Tawīhkēn Kākikē-Kākikē, an Anishinawbe/Saulteaux language performance at Mysteria Gallery, Regina, November 2005. (Photo : Chad Jacklin)
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 Pascale Ferland Portrait (Photo: courtesy Pascale Ferland)
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 Santee Smith (photo: Cylla Von Tiedemann)
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 Peter Knudtson portrait (photo: courtesy Peter Knudtson)
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 Brad Turner portrait
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 Larry Tremblay portrait (photo : Bernard Préfontaine)
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 Ron Terada portrait (photo: courtesy Ron Terada)
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 Ron Terada work - You Have Left the American Sector, 2005 3M Diamond Grade vinyl and exterior vinyl on extruded aluminium, galvanized steel, wood 120 x 120 inches (Photo courtesy Catriona Jeffries Gallery, Vancouver)
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 Ron Terada work - Five Coloured Words in Neon, 2003 Red, orange, yellow, blue, green neon Letter height 7 inches, overall dimensions variable (Courtesy CCA Wattis Institute for Contemporary Arts, San Francisco)
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