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2003 News Releases
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December 17, 2003
CPP Investment Board Commits to Three New Partners Including First Infrastructure Fund

The CPP Investment Board today announced commitments to three new partners, including its first...

November 28, 2003
CPP Investment Board Announcement

The CPP Investment Board announced today that Mark Weisdorf has resigned as Vice President - Private...

November 6, 2003
CPP Portfolio Earns $1.8 Billion on Rise of Stocks and Bonds

The CPP Investment Board announced today that for the three months ending September 30, 2003, assets...

November 3, 2003
CPP Investment Board Commits $75 Million to Two New Partners for Mainly Canadian Investments

The CPP Investment Board announced today a $25 million commitment to the CAI Capital Partners and...

September 18, 2003
CPP Investment Board, Retirement Residences Reit Complete Purchase of Lifestyles

The CPP Investment Board, in a joint venture with Retirement Residences REIT, announced today the...

August 14, 2003
CPP Investment Board Commits $550 Million to Private Equity Partners

The CPP Investment Board announced today $550 million in commitments to new and existing private...

August 7, 2003
CPP Portfolio Earns $3.1 Billion, Reflects Strength in Bond and Equity Markets

The CPP Investment Board announced today its results for the three-month period ending June 30, 2003...

May 15, 2003
CPP Assets Lose 1.5 Percent or $1.1 Billion in Latest Fiscal Year

The total assets available to the Canada Pension Plan had a net loss of $1.1 billion producing a...

February 24, 2003
CPP Investment Board Releases Proxy Voting Guidelines

The CPP Investment Board today released revised proxy voting guidelines that indicate how the...

February 21, 2003
CPP Investment Board Invests in Global Private Equity Portfolio

The CPP Investment Board announced today that it has completed a EUR 221 million investment to fund...

February 5, 2003
CPP Assets Earn $1.6 Billion or 3.1 Percent in Third Quarter, Stronger Quarterly Results Erase Earlier Losses

Consolidated assets of the Canada Pension Plan earned approximately $1.6 billion in the three months...

January 21, 2003
CPP Investment Board Announces Second Commitment to Real Estate with Investment in Canadian Property Fund

The CPP Investment Board announced today its second commitment in commercial real estate ownership...

January 13, 2003
CPP Investment Board Announces First Direct Real Estate Investment

The CPP Investment Board announced today its first investment in commercial real estate ownership...

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May Chong
Director, Communications

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