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Ratio calculators
Accounts receivable turnover
Asset utilization
Average collection period
Average days payable
Coverage ratio
Current ratio
Days of sales in inventory
Debt-to-asset ratio
Debt-to-equity ratio
Earnings per share
Fixed asset utilization
Inventory to net working capital
Inventory turnover
Net profit margin
Quick ratio
Return on shareholders' equity
Return on total assets
Sales per employee
Entrepreneurial self-assessment
E-Business diagnostic
Ask a professional
Finance eligibility indicator

Ratio calculators

Ratios are a way to evaluate the performance of your business and identify potential problems. Each ratio informs you about factors such as the earning power, solvency, efficiency, and debt load of your business. They are used to measure the relationship between 2 or more components of the financial statements and have greater meaning when the results are compared to industry standards for businesses of similar size and activity.

Click here for more details about financial analysis using ratios.

Choose a ratio, enter data for the fields, press the Calculate button, and the ratio calculator will provide a result with a brief explanation.

Note: This list contains some of the most commonly used ratios for financial analysis.

Leverage ratios: examine how assets of the business are financed

Liquidity ratios: determine the capacity of the business to meet current obligations Operations ratios: measure the effectiveness of internal operations Profitability ratios: how much profit is being generated

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