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Our History 2002
Our mandate is to invest in the best interests of Canada Pension Plan contributors and beneficiaries and to maximize investment returns without undue risk of loss

Historical Milestones

1997 :: 1998 :: 1999 :: 2000 :: 2001 :: 2002  :: 2003 :: 2004 :: 2005 :: 2006

2002 March
  • At fiscal year end, the CPP fund is $53.6 billion
  • Legislation introduced to transfer CPP assets from the Department of Finance to CPP Investment Board
  • Second series of public meetings held in each of the nine participating provinces
  • The World Bank praises CPP Investment Board as a model of a public pension investment body that is independent of government and operates in the best interest of contributors and beneficiaries

More Information

Canada Pension Plan

Annual Reports