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Our History 2003
Our mandate is to invest in the best interests of Canada Pension Plan contributors and beneficiaries and to maximize investment returns without undue risk of loss

Historical Milestones

1997 :: 1998 :: 1999 :: 2000 :: 2001 :: 2002 :: 2003  :: 2004 :: 2005 :: 2006

2003 January
  • CPP Investment Board announces first investment in commercial real estate with a joint-venture interest in five shopping centres. The $200 million investment was made with Osmington Inc.

  • Board approves policy on Proxy Voting Principles and Guidelines, it is issued to encourage companies to adopt policies and practices that enhance shareholder value
  • At fiscal year end, the CPP fund is $55.6 billion

  • Legislation to transfer CPP cash and bonds to CPP Investment Board is passed by Parliament, subject to provincial approval
  • Detailed electronic reports on proxy votes is launched on the website
  • Purdy Crawford appointed first Conduct Review Advisor
  • $100 million to Macquarie Essential Assets Partnership is the first commitment to an infrastructure fund

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Canada Pension Plan

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