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Cellex Power Products Inc.

Cellex Power Products Inc.

Cellex Power Products Inc. is a Canadian company with a focus on the development and commercialization of fuel cell product solutions for the Powered Industrial Truck (PIT) market.

Cellex's strategy is to develop proprietary system and component technology required to integrate fuel cell stacks, fuel processors, hydrogen systems, and other components into commercial products. 

Target markets
The mission of Cellex is to become the undisputed market leader in providing total power solutions to the Powered Industrial Truck market.

In the first half of 2002 Cellex successfully completed its Alpha field trials program at selected customer locations. During the four-month field trials, the Cellex power units successfully ran in multiple customer sites, demonstrating the product's value proposition, fueling infrastructure, on-going fuel supply, and compliance to safety codes and regulation requirements.

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