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Dipix Technologies Inc.

Dipix Technologies Inc. Dipix Technologies Inc. is a leader in the design of high-speed 3-D and 2-D inspection systems for high volume product manufacturing. Since 1992, the company has built its expertise in vision systems technology, leading to the design of its QualiVisionTM line of inspection systems.

QualiVisionTM inspection systems are at-line, over-line, and over-band quality inspection units. 

Vision inspection capabilities comprise 3-D shape: including thickness, height, end-to-end slope and center-to-edge slope, and 2-D size: including length, width, minimum diameter, maximum diameter and ovality.

On-line QualiVisionTM systems can trigger diversion devices to reject malformed products, provide direct feedback control for a process, and gather statistical information for presentation to management.

Target markets
QualiVisionTM inspection systems are uniquely engineered to integrate leading-edge optical and electronic hardware, software and mechanical handling. Markets include high volume manufacturers of baked goods, snack foods, molded containers and auto parts. 




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