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D-Wave Systems Inc.

D-Wave Systems Inc. D-Wave is building a new type of ultra-fast computational machine; a superconducting quantum computer whose speed will be far in excess of any current or future silicon-based processors.
The primary application for D-Wave's "quantum" hardware and software and the company's mission is to solve computationally intensive problems related to the modelling of atomic and molecular scale systems.

One potential application is the modelling of the behaviour and properties of chemical and molecular systems for the pharmaceutical, industrial chemistry and biotechnology industries. This application will significantly speed up the process of drug discovery.

Based in Vancouver, Canada, D-Wave is leading the work of 63 internationally recognized European, Canadian, and American corporate and academic collaborators. Together, their mission is to create the "quantum computer" using superconducting electronics and harnessing the special principles of quantum mechanics. Hand-in-hand with its strategy of finding and working with the top specialists in the field, a cornerstone of the D-Wave business plan is aggressive patent protection for all innovations developed within the R&D network.

Through its collaborative network D-Wave has access to a unique combination of specialized fabrication and testing equipment, accessing an investment of hundreds of millions of dollars. This poses a significant barrier to current and future competitors. As evidence of its impressive intellectual property (IP) portfolio, as of August 31, 2002, D-Wave had 47 patents filed with three awarded.

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