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Fund Investments

Eastern Technology Seed Investment Fund

Eastern Technology Seed Investment Fund - Toronto, Ontario
The Eastern Technology Seed Investment Fund, managed by Ventures West Management Inc., BDC and Bank of Montreal Capital Corporation, is a seed capital fund that was created to provide financing and management expertise to emerging companies. The fund helped set up businesses to develop the commercial potential of new technology, with emphasis on promising research projects at universities and other facilities in Ontario and the Atlantic Region.

SkyPoint Telecom Fund II

Skypoint Telecom Fund II - Kanata, Ontario
Skypoint Telecom Fund II targets the business opportunities and "disruptive" technologies that will become the building blocks for the next generation of telecommunications. Skypoint seeks opportunities to bridge technology gaps, to explore and create new markets, to build major companies that are both profitable and groundbreaking. Skypoint mitigates risk through a due diligence process that includes in-depth analysis of the technical, business, financial and management capabilities of each start-up.

SpringBank Tech Ventures

SpringBank Tech Ventures - Calgary, Alberta
SpringBank TechVentures is a venture capital fund focused on venture and private equity investments in companies developing the enabling technologies, infrastructure and services to support the growth sectors of information, communications and technology.

T2C2 Bio T2C2 Bio - Montréal, Québec
T2C2/Bio Fund's mandate is to finance the start-up of life sciences companies originating from the university milieu, research centres and Québec industry. T2C2 is specialized in projects in the field of biotechnology, pharmaceuticals and medical equipment.


VenGrowth V Limited Partnership & VG Mezzanine I Limited Partnership - Toronto, Ontario
With a strong platform of labour sponsored investment funds and institutional fund offerings, VenGrowth invests in predominantly later-stage venture capital opportunities within all of the leading private business sectors, including technology, life sciences and traditional industries. VenGrowth contributes capital and operational and strategic guidance to grow companies to a point that they are ready to be acquired by larger strategic industry players, or taken public on a stock exchange – the "exits" that drive returns for our investors.

Venture Coaches Ltd. Venture Coaches Ltd. - Kanata, Ontario
Venture Coaches is an early stage investor in communications and information technology start-ups that are primarily based in the Ottawa, Toronto, Montréal, and Québec City areas.

Ventures West Ventures West 8 Limited Partnership & Ventures West BC Technology Investment Fund -
Vancouver, British Colombia
Ventures West is a privately owned, active venture capital partner that invests in early stage technology companies across Canada from offices in Vancouver, Toronto, Ottawa and Montréal. Established in the Canadian venture capital market for over 30 years, Ventures West has formed eight venture capital funds which total over $700 million and has invested in more than 130 companies. In addition to providing capital, Ventures West contributes a wealth of resources to each investment.

 Waterloo Tech Capital Limited Partnership

Waterloo Tech Capital Limited Partnership -
Waterloo, Ontario
Waterloo Tech Capital Partners manages $35 million in venture capital. Waterloo Tech Capital provides seed financing, hands-on leadership, market strategy and operational guidance to early-stage technology companies that have the potential to compete at a global level.

Western Technology Seed Investment Fund  

Western Technology Seed Investment Fund -
Vancouver, British Colombia
The Western Technology Seed Investment Fund, managed by Ventures West Management Inc., BDC and Cascadia Pacific  Management, is a seed capital fund that was created to provide financing and management expertise to emerging companies. The fund helped set up businesses to develop the commercial potential of new technology, with emphasis on promising research projects at universities and other facilities in Western Canada.

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