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Semiconductor Insights

Semiconductor Insights Inc.

Semiconductor Insights (SI), founded in 1989, is a recognized world leader in providing technical patent analysis, detailed competitive intelligence and Smart Card security evaluation to major semiconductor and electronics corporations, legal professionals and the financial community. SI brings a unique blend of skills, sophisticated laboratory facilities and proprietary technology to the analysis of leading-edge devices and systems.

SI's technical analyses will decrease the client's time-to-market, stimulate and challenge in-house design teams, set benchmarks for improvement and gauge his/her products strengths against the competition.

SI's engineers serve clients that include all the major microelectronics, licensing and intellectual property firms in Europe, the United States, Japan and the Pacific Rim. The firm has taken part in virtually all the major semiconductor licensing campaigns of the last 10 years.

Semiconductor Insights' finely-honed expertise and years of experience working with intellectual property and technology provides its clients with confidence in the consulting services the firm offers.

Semiconductor Insights helps leading-edge semiconductor, electronics and communications companies reach their strategic goals by supporting R&D and patent management with technical analyses of electronic products, communication systems and integrated circuits.

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