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Innovative Antimicrobial Technologies
Triosyn Corp. is dedicated to the fight against microbial threats through scientific development and commercial distribution of innovative Triosyn-based antimicrobial products
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What is Triosyn resin?

Triosyn® resin is a unique iodine preparation that harnesses the germicidal power of iodine. At the same time, Triosyn® resin is designed to precisely control the delivery and dosage... more

How does Triosyn work?
Triosyn® resin is produced by thermally fusing pure iodine crystals under high pressure with a specialized polymer. During this process, a stable electrochemical bond is formed between the iodine and the polymer... more

How is Triosyn resin incorporated into products?
Triosyn® resin is incorporated into materials and products during proprietary manufacturing processes. The process, unique for each product... more

Triosyn Corp. has developed a unique antimicrobial technology for use in products designed to fight against microbial threats. In extensive third-party laboratory testing, the company's core technology, TriosynŽ resin, is proven effective against a broad spectrum of microorganisms. These microorganisms are inactivated on contact due to a proprietary demand-release delivery mechanism, providing enhanced safety to humans and the environment.

Triosyn® resin is versatile and equally effective in fluid, air, surface and dermatological applications. The company has developed a diversified portfolio of products in several areas, including air filtration (such as facemasks), paints and coatings, dermatological treatments, barrier textiles, protective clothing, and the purification of fluids.

Triosyn Corp. is based near Burlington, Vermont, USA with research and development laboratories outside of Montreal, Quebec, Canada.


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