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Consumer Spending on Culture in Canada in 2003

This report provides updated information about consumer spending on culture in Canada. The report shows that Canadian consumers spent $22.8 billion on cultural goods and services in 2003, an amount that is greater than consumer spending on tobacco, alcohol and games of chance combined. The $22.8 billion in consumer spending is over three times larger than the $7.4 billion spent on culture in Canada by all levels of government in 2002/03. The $22.8 billion in consumer spending on culture in Canada represents $758 for every Canadian resident and about $1 out of every $30 spent by Canadian consumers. After adjusting for inflation, cultural spending increased by 19% between 1997 and 2003, over three times the 6% growth in the Canadian population.

Consumer Spending on Culture in Canada in 2003 (pdf, 686 KB)

For the national and provincial/territorial summaries: