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AECL R&D and its Programs
Chalk River Laboratories
Whiteshell Laboratories
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Reactor Chemistry and Systems

The aim of the Reactor Chemistry and Systems R&D program is to develop advanced components and processes for CANDU reactors that will meet customer requirements in terms of operating lifetime, operating margins, cost, and ease of maintenance. In general, as new knowledge is generated from other parts of the R&D program, that knowledge is being applied to develop improved components, operating procedures, and maintenance processes for CANDU plants.

Currently, AECL is improving steam generator and heat exchanger performance and developing a number of new technologies including non-destructive testing technology, such as remote probes for feeder thickness measurements and for detecting defects in piping; improved seals for existing and advanced CANDU designs; improved fuel channel supports for higher seismic tolerance and for improved safety margins; fixed spacers for fuel channels; advanced emergency core cooling system components; and a variety of other technologies that will find their way into the CANDU design.

In addition to component development, AECL is advancing the methodology used for heat and mass transfer in CANDU components, for the description of vibration and fretting of components including fuel, for the transport of radioactivity in CANDU systems, and for the various mechanisms affecting the performance and lifetime of components due to chemical and mechanical degradation.

New processes are also being developed for maintenance of CANDU plants. These include methods for chemical and physical cleaning of various circuits in CANDU reactors, and the application of AECL's systems codes to plant operations.
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