BDC Is your baby keeping you awake at night? It should be. It's time to think about a transition program. BDC can help you. 
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Our partners

Privileged Partner

BDC's Privileged Partner for Small Business Week - Canadian Chamber of Commerce

The Canadian Chamber of Commerce and BDC are a natural fit…
In 1979, a partnership between the Canadian Chamber of Commerce and BDC to launch the first Small Business Week® was a brilliant idea. Helping to develop the Canadian economy, which grows largely as a result of the dynamism of entrepreneurs and the businesses they start, is a common objective of BDC and the Canadian Chamber of Commerce and its 350 member chambers across the country.
A world without boundaries, open to new markets – the 2006 Small Business Week theme goes perfectly with the message we want to send our entrepreneurs: to think big, and bigger still!

Since 1925 the Canadian Chamber of Commerce has been the largest, most influential advocate for business in Canada. We are the "The Voice of Canadian Business". For more information visit us.

National Partners


BDC's National Partner for Small Business Week - CFIB

CFIB is the leading advocate for Canadian small business. We have recently focused on the challenge of succession planning. With a generation of entrepreneurs getting set to retire, there could be serious implications for the Canadian economy as a whole. That is why CFIB is very pleased to help businesses face the challenge and to sponsor the CFIB Business Transition Award as part of this year's Small Business Week®. For further information or to join us and become part of a 105,000-member community who benefit from legislative impact, political influence, business management resources and discounts on business products and services, visit us.


BDC's National Partner for Small Business Week - EDC

EDC helps Entrepreneurs Open Up to New Markets
Export Development Canada (EDC) is pleased to join BDC in recognizing and promoting small and medium sized enterprises and especially in supporting their export initiatives, a key theme of this year's Small Business Week®.  EDC will present the Export Development Canada Export Excellence Award to an innovative young entrepreneur, helping foster greater interest in the global marketplace.

EDC is Canada's export credit agency, offering innovative commercial solutions to help Canadian exporters and investors expand their international business. EDC's knowledge and partnerships are used by 7,000 Canadian companies and their global customers in up to 200 markets worldwide each year. More than 90 per cent of EDC's customers are small and medium sized enterprises. To reach EDC, contact 1-866-297-1255 or visit us.


BDC's National Partner for Small Business Week - Intuit

Intuit Canada is the voice of small business in Canada, and a proud partner of Small Business Week®. Intuit Canada provides numerous business, financial and tax management products and solutions specifically designed for Canadian small businesses, including QuickBooks, North America's #1 small business accounting software. They offer a range of customer support programs, and run an online community site that provides resources to small businesses and a forum for like-minded Canadians to connect. Working with BDC to support Small Business Week® is a natural fit for Intuit Canada. Both BDC and Intuit Canada develop and deliver products and services that enable Canadian small and medium sized businesses to succeed on main street and around the world. Visit Quick Books to learn more about Intuit Canada's products, services and communities.

BDC's National Partner for Small Business Week - Rogers

Rogers is proud to be a partner of BDC's Small Business Week® and Young Entrepreneur Awards because we know that when you are an entrepreneur, making the most of your time is crucial to achieving your full business potential. 

At Rogers we believe that wireless connectivity is key to getting the job done no matter where your business takes you – here in Canada, the U.S. or overseas.  And Rogers is uniquely equipped to provide you with the products and services that can help you save time so you can focus more energy on making your business the success you want it to be. Trust Rogers for all your wireless voice and data, local, long distance and high speed Internet services.

To learn more about what Rogers can offer your business, visit us.

BDC's National Partner for Small Business Week - Western Economic Diversification Canada

A stronger West. A stronger Canada
Small business is a powerful engine in Western Canada's economy, generating nearly half of new jobs.  In fact, there are 40% more small businesses per capita in the West than in the rest of Canada.

Western Economic Diversification Canada (WD) sparks the entrepreneurial spirit in communities throughout the West.

Working with BDC, WD is a proud supporter of Small Business Week® for the 5th consecutive year. Discover how the offices of our Western Canada Business Service Network can assist you with starting or growing a business.  For information visit us.

BDC's National Partner for Small Business Week - Westjet
As Canada's leading low-cost carrier and an entrepreneurial success story in itself.  WestJet is a proud supporter of BDC's Young Entrepreneur Awards and Small Business Week®.

There is definite value in fostering the spirit of an entrepreneur; just ask one of WestJet's many owners, at last count that was 86% of our people, who make decisions every day on behalf of their company.

The WestJet Creative Mind Award recognizes an organization's efforts to achieve growth objectives by awarding the successful candidate with $15,000 business grant. The Young Entrepreneur Awards provide Canadian business talent with an opportunity to excel financially and contribute to the country's growing economy; WestJet congratulates all past and future recipients of this prestigious honour. For more information about us please visit our website.

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