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Prize Calendar

Each year, the Canada Council awards over 70 prizes and fellowships to nearly 100 artists and scholars to recognize excellence in various disciplines in the arts, the humanities, and the social and natural sciences. Many of the prizes are privately endowed and are given in perpetuity, in memory of the donors.

In addition to the prizes and fellowships listed below, a wide range of grants and services are available to professional Canadian artists and arts organizations in dance, media arts, music, theatre, writing and publishing, interdisciplinary work and performance art, and the visual arts.

All Canada Council programs are accessible to Aboriginal artists or arts organizations and artists or arts organizations from diverse cultural or regional communities of Canada.

For all prizes and awards, the term "Canadian" means either Canadian citizen or permanent resident, unless otherwise specified.

Architecture endowments and prizes are located on this page under  the  "Visual Arts"  tab or you may go to the main Architecture page.

You can also view the complete Alphabetical List of Endowments and Prizes of the Canada Council.

John Hobday Awards in Arts Management
Last updated 06-2006
Coburn Fellowships
Last updated 02-2004
Duke and Duchess of York Prize in Photography
Last updated 02-2006
Governor General's Awards in Visual and Media Arts
Last updated 05-2005
Nomination Deadline 29 July 2006
J.B.C. Watkins Award
Last updated 02-2006
Governor General’s Medals in Architecture
Last updated 09-2006
Japan-Canada Fund
Last updated 04-2004
Joseph S. Stauffer Prizes
Last updated 02-2004
Molson Prizes
Last updated 08-2006
Nomination Deadline 01 December 2006
Saidye Bronfman Award
Last updated 08-2005
Nomination Deadline 31 January 2005
Victor Martyn Lynch-Staunton Awards
Last updated 08-2005
Prix de Rome in Architecture
Last updated 09-2005
Application Deadline for Emerging Practitioners 01 October 2006
Professional Practitioners 01 March 2007
York Wilson Endowment Award
Last updated 02-2004
Application Deadline 01 March 2004
Ronald J. Thom Award for early Design Achievement
Last updated 09-2006