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Bank of Canada

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About the Bank

Biographical note

Mark Illing

Mark Illing was appointed Senior Representative (Economics) at the Bank's regional office for the Prairie provinces, Nunavut, and the Northwest Territories in 2005. In this capacity, he directs research and analysis on economic and financial developments in the region. He also plays a major role in the Office's activities in communicating the Bank's messages to a variety of external audiences and promoting an exchange of views on the economy and monetary policy.

Born in Ottawa, Ontario, Mr. Illing graduated with a Master of Arts degree from Queen's University, Kingston in 1998.

Mr. Illing began his career as a commodities specialist at the Bank of Canada's regional office in Halifax, Nova Scotia. He moved to Ottawa in 2000 to become a banking sector analyst. In 2003, he transferred to the Bank's trading room, where he was responsible for monitoring financial market developments.

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