The Asthma Society of Canada
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Welcome to Living Well With Asthma

Breathe Easy - as seen in the Globe and Mail
"The time has come for a respiratory care revolution..."

New Online CME Initiative: We have launched our newest online educational program.

A Passport to a World of Wines

During this event the ASC will launch its program Breathe Free Canada through the speech of Mr. Robert Kennedy Junior. All proceeds from Essentia will be used to support the operating cost of our Clean Air Programming.

Can Air Purifiers help your allergies and asthma?

Find answers to your questions by clicking here.
The Asthma Society of Canada is pleased to announce the launch of asthma friendlyŽ Certification Program.

You can achieve an active, asthma managed life!

If you have asthma and associated allergies, please visit our trigger management website Four Seasons of Asthma for tips on how to control your asthma. You can also call our Certified Asthma Educators at 1-866-787-4050 and have all your questions answered.

The first public lung health forum was held in Hamilton, Ontario on September 18, 2006. Fore more information about this forum, please click here.
To register or to inquire about the venues of the other forums, please click here.
Did you know that we are the only national organization whose sole mandate is to help Canadians live well with asthma? Find out more about us, including our programs, publications, special events and how you can help.

Asthma Education Centres are available across Canada for people with asthma. Use this new tool to find an asthma education centre near you!
The Asthma Society of Canada has developed a number of programs to help asthmatic Canadians achieve symptom free living.
Media Series to raise awareness and importance of recognizing early signs of asthma.
Visit our new educational site to learn more about seasonal environmental asthma triggers and what you can do to reduce these triggers and achieve symptom-free asthma.

  Home | Legal & Privacy | Credits | Sponsors| Glossary Last updated: October 2006  

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