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Parent Info Article Archive

Note that links to external websites may have changes since these articles have been written.

Parent Guide - Understanding the Cadet Program

Consult our guide for parents to better understand how the Cadet Program works.    More»

Parents : Your chance to speak

We are seeking your participation and that of your child in our online survey, administered by Ipsos-Reid. The survey should take between 10 to 15 minutes to complete.    More»

Summer training dates - 2005

Dates for summer 2005 are now available for Sea Cadets, Army Cadets and Air Cadets.    More»

Two new post-secondary scholarships for Air Cadets

Open to students that are Air Cadets during the year of application, and is awarded on the basis of secondary school scholastic achievement, combined with performance as an Air Cadet. Award will be in the order of $1500 each.    More»

National Cadet Biathlon Championship

Mount Washington, BC    More»

125th Anniversary of Army Cadets

LogoCheck out all the activities and events planned and learn what you can get involved in (external link).    More»

Joining Instructions – National Adventure Expedition 2004

For the answers to questions that selected cadets and parents may have, please consult the joining instructions.    More»

Baggage Restrictions for Cadets, Staff Cadets and Staff

Image: BagagesIf your child is travelling by plane this summer for a cadet course or exchange, make sure you are aware of the baggage restrictions.    More»

Summer Course Information

Summer course information is available for Sea Cadets, Army Cadets and Air Cadets.    More»

Canada Post honours Army Cadets

Celebrating an extraordinary commitment to Canadian youth, Canada Post will issue a stamp honouring the 125th anniversary of the establishment of the Royal Canadian Army Cadets    More»

Air Cadet Week - Online Quiz Winners

Finally, we have the names of the winners.    More»

Ipsos-Reid survey

What should your teenagers be getting out of the Cadet Program? We need your help to find out.    More»

National Sea Cadet Regatta

This year, Sea Cadet National Regatta will be held from 20 to 24 August in Kingston, Ontario. Sea Cadets at their best.    More»

Getting Involved

Now that my teenager has joined cadets, is there anything that I can do? Of course there is !!!    More»

Cadet Abuse & Harassment Prevention

The Cadet Harassment & Abuse Prevention Program (CHAP) is our response to the realities of today's world. All our children need to be protected.    More»

Baggage Restrictions for Cadets, Staff Cadets and Staff

Image: BagagesIf your son or daughter is travelling by plane this summer for a course or exchange, make sure you are aware of the baggage restrictions. When you get to the airport, it may be too late.    More»

Cadet Clothing Project

Better uniforms are on their way for Sea, Army and Air Cadets.    More»

Commemorative Stamp for Army Cadets

Graphic: Animated mailboxRoyal Canadian Army Cadets will celebrate their 125th anniversary in 2004. Let's support the letter campaign for a commemorative stamp!    More»

Cadence Magazine

Photo: Cadence magazineCadet Instructors have a new magazine to help them to be better officers and better instructors.    More»

Cadet Photo Contest Winners

Photo: CameraThe 2nd annual National Cadet Photo Contest was a success. Check out the winners in the various categoires.    More»

Questions Parents Ask?

Graphic image of a question markAnswers to common questions available in the FAQ Section.    More»