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Questions about Enrolment — Cadet Instructors Cadre

Who is eligible to join?

The Forces is an equal opportunity employer. Men and women of Canadian citizenship apply. Landed immigrants may also be considered in certain circumstances.
In addition, applicants must also:

  • Be of good character and in good standing in the community
  • Be recommended by the Commanding Officer, the sponsor and appropriate League representative associated with the cadet unit filling a vacancy
  • Be 18 or over and be able to complete at least one year of service before reaching the CIC compulsory retirement age of 65
  • Meet the Canadian Forces medical standards
  • Have a high school certificate of equivalent.

I am over 40 years old, have no previous military experience, and would like to do something useful, in particular help the youth. Is there place for me?

Some of our most successful officers have joined only after their family or work related obligations are met. Others have taken early retirement and are seeking an interesting and challenging opportunity. The training you will receive is not physically demanding, but you must be in good mental and physical health. If you are young at heart, and up to a challenge, there may be a unique opportunity for you in the CIC.

How do I join?

The joining process is simple. Once you have received the recommendation of the cadet corps/squadron commanding officer, the sponsor and the League representative, contact the local Canadian Forces Recruiting centre for an appointment. In order to process your application the centre will require your birth certificate, social insurance card, a transcript of your school marks, and any special certificates or licenses that you may hold. You will undergo a medical examination and a formal interview. Recruiting Centre personnel will also initiate a security screening. This is a criminal record check, and a credit check. Be prepared to avoid delays and repeated trips to the centre. If you meet the qualifications, you will be approved for enrollment in the unit you have chosen.

Will I wear a uniform?

Yes. A Canadian Forces uniform in the colour and style of the element you will work with, will be provided to you at no cost. Uniform items will be replaced due to normal wear. All items must be returned when you leave the CIC.

Can I resign at any time?

Yes. You may request a release at any time, however, a 30 days notice is required.

How much time must I commit to the CIC?

You are asked to commit one evening per week and one weekend per month. As you develop your new skills and work your way up the chain of command, you may need to dedicate more time.

Will I get paid?

Yes. You are entitled to receive up to a maximum of 21 days pay per year for unit training. If you are selected to attend additional courses, or employed at a Summer Training Centre, you will also receive remuneration.

Will I be eligible for promotions?

Yes. promotions are based on a combination of ability, position availability, completion of required courses, length of service, and commitment to the Cadet Program.

What if I relocate?

There are hundreds of cadet units across the country that you may transfer to.

Who can I contact?

There is personnel throughout the country who are prepared to answer any questions you might have. Please review our contact list for our closest office.