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Adults looking to get involved

An essential element to the Cadet Program is its leaders and the Cadet Program is always searching for new ones to share their knowledge and their time. Having been a cadet is not a prerequisite. Cadet Instructors Cadre officers are responsible for the training, administration and logistics operations of corps/squadrons. No previous military experience? No problem!

In addition to being an instructor, there are other ways of getting involved.

1st Stage : Find a cadet corps or squadron. Not all corps and squadrons need instructors. Consult the regional contact list to find out which units are looking for personnel or contact a cadet corps or squadron directly.

2nd Stage: Let the Commanding Officer know you are available! People with experience in flying a plane,  Instructor helps cadet walk on rope bridgecanoe-camping or sailing a boat are not always easy to find but are always useful. Corps/squadron are always looking for first-aid instructors, persons with training in rock-climbing, search and rescue and public speaking!

3rd Stage: If the Commanding Officer decides to add you to his/her staff, he/she will indicate the administrative procedures to follow.

Perhaps you don't have the time to be a Cadet Instructors Cadre officer ? Be a volunteer or a civilian instructor.


Because volunteers, civilian instructors and members of the Cadet Instructors Cadre work with adolescents between the ages of 12 and 18 years old, we will require you to undergo screening to ensure that you are suitable to work with youth as a prerequiste to becoming involved.

Want to learn more

If you are new to the Cadet Program and would like to get a better feel for the program, check out a local cadet corps (Sea and Army Cadets) or cadet squadron (Air Cadets). Our Cadet Corps/Squadron Directory provides e-mail, telephone and training address for the units across Canada. Drop the cadet corps/squadron a line to arrange to drop-in during a training night.

Questions about Enrolment answers some of the  common questions asked about joining the Cadet Instructors Cadre.