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Bank of Canada

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About the Bank

Biographical note

Sheila Vokey

Sheila Vokey was appointed Chief, Financial Services and Chief Accountant in July 2003. In this capacity, she is responsible for developing and directing the implementation of the financial framework of the Bank. She is also a member of the Executive Management Committee.

Born in Montréal, Quebec, Ms. Vokey received a Bachelor of Commerce degree from McGill University in 1985.

Ms. Vokey is a chartered accountant who has provided public and private sector organizations with direction on financial reporting, implementing and maintaining financial systems and controls. She joined the Bank in 2001 as Director of Finance/Chief Accountant. Previously, she was Chief Financial Officer with the Canadian Tourism Commission. From 1992 to 1999, she held various financial management positions at Metropolitain Life Insurance Company, and before that she was Audit Manager at KPMG.

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