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Vera Frenkel

Vera Frenkel
Vera Frenkel, winner, 2006 Governor General’s Award in Visual and Media Arts (photo: Martin Lipman)

Artist Profiles and Success Stories

Vera Frenkel (b. Bratislava, Czechoslovakia) is an internationally-recognized multidisciplinary artist. Her videos, drawings, audio works, installations and new media projects have been seen at documenta IX (Kassel, Germany); the Offenes Kulturhaus (Linz, Austria); the Setagaya Museum (Tokyo); the National Gallery of Canada; MoMA (New York); and the Venice Biennale. She has been artist-in residence at major art institutions in London, Vienna, Chicago and Stockholm, among others. Frenkel's video works were featured as the Images Festival Spotlight (Toronto, 1997) and are included in a DVD/CD-ROM set, Of Memory and Displacement / Vera Frenkel: Collected Works (2005). Her recent project, The InstituteTM: Or, What We Do for Love, is both an installation and web-based work ( Frenkel’s writings have been much anthologized, and have appeared in such publications as artscanada, Canadian Art, Descant, FUSE, Intermédialités, Public and Vanguard. Frenkel has received the Canada Council Molson Prize and the Bell Canada Award in Video Art, among others. She lives in Toronto.


Check out the interactive Flash presentation of the awards!